Intraventricular injection of 192-IgG-SAP (192-Saporin) results in almost complete elimination of LNGFR (p75NTR)-positive cells in rat. 192-IgG-SAP is directed to a cell-surface antigen that is only expressed at high levels on neurons in the cholinergic basal forebrain (CBF). The antigen, p75NTR, is not expressed on the neighboring, non-cholinergic neurons. 192-IgG-SAP specifically eliminates cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain, medial septum, diagonal band of Broca, nucleus basalis of Meynert, and Purkinje neurons of the cerebellum. It provides researchers with a powerful lesioning tool – more specific and effective than chemical, surgical or electrolytic lesioning. Permanent and selective removal of cholinergic forebrain neurons makes an important animal model for the study of behavior, neuronal loss (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease), plasticity of other systems in response to loss, replacement therapy, and drug effects and dependence.
To eliminate p75NTR-expressing cells in mouse, use mu p75-SAP (Cat. #IT-16). To eliminate p75NTR-expressing cells in other mammals, use ME20.4-SAP (Cat. #IT-15)).
192-IgG-SAP specifically eliminates cells expressing p75NTR, also known as the low affinity nerve growth factor receptor.
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Advanced Targeting Systems(ATS)位于美国加州圣地亚哥, 成立于1994年。 公司发起人Douglas Lappi和Ronald Wiley博士在实验室开发出先进的分子神经外科学研究技术。ATS主要生产用于科研和药物研发的靶向试剂,公司在疼痛和药物转运的研究及临床治疗的两个产品已获专利保护。目前,产品包括靶向毒素 (可提供基底前脑胆碱能神经元、去甲肾上腺素能和肾上腺素能神经元、巨噬细胞和小胶质细胞的特异性损伤试剂等)、二抗生物素、神经元抗体、神经递质抗体、蛋白质和荧光结合物、免疫毒素对照等。