Chick-ZAP uses your chicken IgY primary antibody to target and eliminate cells that recognize your primary antibody. This secondary conjugate uses the secondary antibody (affinity-purified rabbit anti-chicken IgY) to “piggyback” onto YOUR chicken primary antibody. Chick-ZAP be utilized for screening chicken IgY antibodies for internalization and/or their suitability to make potent immunotoxins. When the in vitro results confirm the desired specificity, it is recommended that you order a custom conjugation of your antibody to saporin.
Chick-ZAP uses your chicken IgY primary antibody to target and eliminate cells. This secondary conjugate is used to evaluate the potential of a primary antibody to internalize.
To view protocol(s) for this and other products please visit:
Advanced Targeting Systems(ATS)位于美国加州圣地亚哥, 成立于1994年。 公司发起人Douglas Lappi和Ronald Wiley博士在实验室开发出先进的分子神经外科学研究技术。ATS主要生产用于科研和药物研发的靶向试剂,公司在疼痛和药物转运的研究及临床治疗的两个产品已获专利保护。目前,产品包括靶向毒素 (可提供基底前脑胆碱能神经元、去甲肾上腺素能和肾上腺素能神经元、巨噬细胞和小胶质细胞的特异性损伤试剂等)、二抗生物素、神经元抗体、神经递质抗体、蛋白质和荧光结合物、免疫毒素对照等。